Our House Rules

Effective January 31, 2024

The Vancouver Club’s House Rules have been established to ensure maximum enjoyment of the Club for all Members. These rules also provide a foundation to acquaint Members of the Club with available services and to protect Club property.

Members of the Club have the responsibility to know the House Rules and an obligation to observe them. In addition, Members should ensure that their guests are familiar with a number of the House Rules, particularly those regarding cell phones & electronic devices, dress code, and Club property.

House Rules may only be altered by the Board pursuant to Paragraph 16.1(b) of the Bylaws.

Changes to the House Rules and the creation of or changes to Interim Rules will be posted on the Club’s website and shall be emailed to each Member forthwith upon such change or creation being implemented.

1. Introduction

1.1 Welcome to the House Rules. Our Club works primarily on a system of mutual respect and trust, and a willingness to be good people. However, in order to avoid confusion and to provide transparent guidance for Members, their Guests, and Staff, setting out some rules are helpful. The Club must also follow the general laws of the land, including when dealing with alcohol and other controlled substances, and so it is a good idea to confirm to third parties that we clearly follow what we are required to follow. The House Rules are to help preserve that which makes the Club what it is, and not just another restaurant, as Members are attracted to the Club’s special status. Lastly, the House Rules are designed to allow Members to have fun and enjoy themselves in an environment that allows just that.

1.2  If there is one guiding principle for the interpretation and application of the House Rules it is “not to embarrass anyone”. While there is always some discretion needed in any particular circumstance, it is our goal that the House Rules will provide clarity to all those at the Club. Members are encouraged to discuss the House Rules with the General Manager or the Manager on duty, or if Members so choose, to email the current Chair and Co-Chair of the House Committee at their email addresses if they have any questions or comments about the House Rules. The current Chair and Co-Chair of the House Committee’s email addresses are available on Project Laura.

1.3 The Club requires that Staff enforce the House Rules in a discreet and effective manner and all Members are required to respect the manner in which the Staff choose to communicate any infraction or potential infraction of the House Rules.

2. Hours of Operation

2.1 The Club will be open for Members and guests from 5:00 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. unless Members are notified otherwise by email. Management will post on the Club Website the hours for specific rooms and certain seasonally adjusted times, such as the Rooftop Patio and Garden Lounge.

2.2  Reserved tables will be released 15 minutes after the reservation time has passed unless the Club has been notified by phone or email that the Member will be arriving late.

3. Attire

3.1 The Club is an experience of over 125 years in the making, a nexus between Vancouver’s storied heritage and its bright future. The Club is a place for Members to relax, entertain, connect with other business professionals and similar types of people and enjoy extraordinary events in a sophisticated environment.

3.2 Management asks Members and their Guests for a tasteful, well-presented and on-brand approach to attire when visiting the Club.

3.3 Business suits, sports jackets, or sweaters/cardigans coordinated with pants, skirts, or dresses are requested. Shirts are to be collared. Dark jeans and a suit jacket or sports jacket are acceptable unless restricted for a specific Club event. Coordinated footwear should be paired accordingly.

3.4 Inappropriate Attire, as defined in House Rule 21.1(i), shall not be worn at the Club.

3.5 Special Event Attire

(a) Cocktail: Business suit or stylish jacket matched with slacks/skirt with an appropriate dress shirt. Tie or bow tie is optional. Dressy pantsuit, jumpsuit, or chic party dress. Coordinated footwear should be paired accordingly.

(b) Formal/Black Tie: Dark suit or tuxedo. Tie or bow tie, or cultural equivalent. Long gown, elegant pantsuit/dress. Coordinated footwear should be paired accordingly.

3.6 Members and Guests are requested to leave outerwear (including coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and winter boots) in the lobby cloakrooms.

3.7 It is the responsibility of Members to inform their Guests of Club-appropriate attire and ensure that their guests comply with the Club’s appropriate attire policy. A Member may ask for assistance from Staff in ensuring compliance of such Member’s Guest with appropriate attire.

3.8 If a Member or Guest does not comply with Club-appropriate attire, the General Manager may, after the applicable visit to the Club, email the Member a reminder to adhere to the Club’s appropriate attire policy and with an attachment of the House Rules.

4. Privacy Policy, Use of Electronics and Recording Devices & Photography

4.1 As a courtesy to other Members, cell phones, smartphones, and any other electronic device must be silenced throughout the Club.

4.2 Members and Guests are not permitted to conduct phone conversations at any time in any area of the Club, other than in a private phone booth, in a private meeting room, or in the Coworking Space. Use of any speakerphone function is only permitted in private rooms.

4.3 Members should also be mindful of subject matter, language, tone and decibel level of voice when speaking on a phone in private areas.

4.4 Electronic Devices, as defined in House Rule 21.1(d), may be used silently throughout the Club with the following conditions:

(a) For check-in when entering the Club;

(b) To view food and beverage menus in the dining facilities;

(c) For discreet texting or emailing;

(d) For discreet use so as not to bring their use to the attention of others, especially outside of the person’s immediate group;

(e) For the tactful displaying of photos; and

(f) To the extent reasonably possible, electronic devices may not be placed on tabletops or bar surfaces, although if the Member or Guest does not have an appropriate pocket in their attire, they may place their electronic device on tabletops or bar surfaces.

4.5 Except at private parties or at the discretion of the General Manager or duty manager, for the respect and privacy of other Members and their Guests, photography, audio, and video recording, whether by cell phone or other medium, are not permitted in any public space of the Club or any place that may infringe upon the privacy of or disturb others, including within dining rooms and at Club-hosted events.

4.6 Stricter policies with respect to the use of electronic devices may be enforced in the member dining areas or at member events, i.e.: Christmas buffets and wine dinners.

4.7 The use of tablets and laptop computers are not allowed anywhere in the Club other than in the Coworking Space or in a room which has been rented for a private event.

4.8 Children, who are over the age of 13, may use electronic devices in the Club under the same rules as those that govern adults.

4.9 Children under 13 may, during events that are specifically sanctioned or authorized as family events, use electronic devices to watch movies or play games, provided that the electronic device is not audible to any other Member or Guest present, and the child’s use of the electronic device is not audible to any other member or guest present.

4.10 Members are responsible for informing their guests of the Club’s electronic device policy and for any infraction of the policy. If it is reasonable for the staff to believe that a Member or their Guest is not complying with House Rule 4, a Staff Member may place a tent card on the table or bar reminding the Member of this House Rule, and the Member shall accept that tent card as a polite request to change the Member’s party’s current use of electronic devices.

5. Business Meetings

5.1 The display of business papers is inconsistent with the spirit and intent of the use of the Bar & Grill and has traditionally been discouraged. Members who wish to conduct working sessions with business papers are encouraged to utilize the Coworking Space or make arrangements for the use of one of the Club’s private meeting rooms.

5.2 Briefcases and valises are not permitted in the Bar & Grill. The concierge staff will be pleased to check these as Members and guests enter the Club.

6. Conduct

6.1 Code of Ethics

(a) Members shall not engage in conduct that may reasonably be injurious to the reputation of the Club.

(b) At all times, Members shall treat other Members, Guests, Staff and Management with courtesy and respect.

(c) Members shall not openly insult, with intent to cause harm or a negative reaction, any other Member, Guest, or Staff.

(d) Members are strictly responsible for the conduct of their Guests while at the Club or while attending any event hosted by the Club.

(e) Members and their Guests shall, at all times, abide by municipal, provincial and federal laws while at the Club or while attending any event hosted by the Club.

6.2 The Club operates on a strict anti-harassment policy. No Member should exhibit or condone actions or comments that are prejudicial to any person’s race, creed, colour, sex, sexual orientation, religion or any other similar type of criteria.

6.3 Members must respect the privacy of other Members and Guests at all times and shall not solicit other Members, Guests or Staff to purchase goods or services or for charitable contributions while at the Club or while attending any event hosted by the Club.

6.4 Responsibility for Damages

(a) Members are responsible for their Guests while at the Club or at an event hosted by The Vancouver Club. Any damage to Club property that is caused, in whole or in part, by either a Member or their Guest, must be paid for by the Member.

(b) The amount to be paid for damages referred to in subsection (b) by a Member for damage caused by her/him or his/her guest will be determined by the Board upon a recommendation by the General Manager.

(c) For any damages referred to in subsection (b), the Club shall be entitled to repair any damages as the Club sees fit and seek reimbursement for the expense from the Member.

7. Use of Alcohol and Drugs

7.1 Compliance with Laws / Serving It Right

(a) Purchase, sale, service and consumption of liquor in the Club shall conform at all times with the regulations of the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) of the Province of British Columbia. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Club shall also comply with the “Serving It Right” responsible liquor sales and service program. The definition of “intoxication” in these House Rules is the definition from the “Serving It Right” responsible liquor sales and service program.

(b) It is a requirement of the law that all liquor-related incidents be recorded in a written Liquor Incident Report, be recorded by Staff, and be kept by Management for 6 years in a secure location.

(c) If a Member is the subject of:

(i) Three incidents involving alcohol or recreational drug use; or

(ii) one incident involving alcohol or recreational drug use, determined by the General Manager, in the General Manager’s discretion, to be of a serious nature, then the reports of all such incidents shall be sent to the Board by the General Manager.

(d) Members and their Guests:

(i) Should expect to be asked for identification if Staff deem it to be appropriate;

(ii) Should expect to have their alcohol consumption monitored by in-person monitoring and/or by closed circuit television;

(iii) Should understand that one of the many jobs of the Staff is to monitor the consumption of alcohol at the Club, or at events hosted by the Club;

(iv) Must stop consuming alcohol or stop ordering alcohol if so directed by a Staff Member due to the Staff Member’s reasonable determination that the person being so directed has, or appears to have, reached or exceeded a point of intoxication;

(v) Must leave the Club, or an event hosted by the Club, if requested to do so by a Staff Member due to the Staff Member determining that the person is intoxicated, whether or not the Member or Guest consumed any alcohol at the Club, or an event hosted by the Club;

(vi) Must follow arrangements provided by Staff for the safe travel home including by taxi, Uber or other forms of transportation recommended by Staff;

(vii) Must not bring in their own liquor, other than wine subject to a corkage charge, as set out in House Rule 7.2(b), to the Club;

(viii) Must understand that by law the Club is limited to the amount of alcohol that is allowed in any one single drink and must not exceed that limit;

(e) If a Member disagrees with the assessment of intoxication by a Staff Member, the Member should request that the Staff Member ask the Manager on duty to make a determination, which determination the Member must accept at that time;

(f) Only the following rooms are licensed by the Club’s liquor licence for the consumption of alcohol: Corner Suite, Gold Bar, Grill, Grand Ballroom, Georgian Room, Captain’s Bar, Billiards Room, 5th Floor Lounge, Atrium, Rooftop Patio & Garden Lounge, Presidents’ Rooms, UBC Room, SFU Room, and Room 15 and Members and their Guests must not consume alcohol in any other area unless advised by staff that there is a Special Event Permit.

(g) While the Club’s liquor licence does allow the Club to sell alcohol without food, Members and Guests are encouraged to have food and non-alcoholic drinks during the same period in which they consume alcohol.

(i) Members are required to advise management if they intend to drink alcohol while at the Club if they have consumed any substance which a reasonable person would determine would have a material impact on the speed of their intoxication or the severity of their intoxication prior to drinking any alcohol while at the Club or at a Club-sponsored event.

7.2 Liquor Mark-Ups, Corkage and Outside Liquor

(a) A Member may bring a bottle of wine but not a bottle of any other type of alcohol to the Club to be opened and consumed at the Club by that Member and/or that Member’s Guest(s).

(b) The Club shall charge the Member a corkage fee of $35.00 per bottle for the service of opening and serving the non-Vancouver Club purchased wine in the Club.

(c) The Club makes a profit on the sale of liquor and sets different prices based on different services, including whether the liquor is to be stored in a Member’s liquor locker, consumed outside of the Club, or consumed in a dining room in the Club. Members may ask Staff to advise the Member the amount of any mark-up on any liquor offered for sale by the Club for each purpose.

7.3 Liquor Lockers

(a) The Club may rent liquor lockers to Members.

(b) Alcohol stored in liquor lockers must be purchased through The Vancouver Club.

(c) Liquor stored in liquor lockers is stored at the risk of the Member. If a Member determines that liquor in the liquor locker is missing, the Club has no responsibility or obligation to replace any missing liquor.

(d) If a Member asks for liquor from their liquor locker to be consumed during a meal in one of the Club’s dining rooms, the Club will charge a top-up fee so that the fee charged equals the fee that would have been charged if the liquor had been purchased in the applicable dining room.

7.4 Illegal Drugs

(a) The Club has a strict zero tolerance policy to illegal drug use, possession, or sale.

(b) No Member or Guest shall purchase, use, ingest, possess, sell, or distribute illegal drugs or attempt any such acts at the Club or during any Club-sanctioned event.

(c) If a Member’s Guest is determined to have violated rule 7.4, then the Member’s membership will be reviewed by the Board.

(d) If a Member’s Guest is determined to have violated rule 7.4, then the Member’s membership will be reviewed by the Board.

7.5 No Member or Guest may smoke, vape, or eat cannabis or any related products, including cannabis oil, in the Club or at any event sanctioned by the Club.

8. Smoking

8.1 Smoking, including of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vaping products of any kind, pipes, or cigars is not permitted in any area of the Club’s premises. For clarity, this includes open-air areas such as the Rooftop Patio and Garden Lounge. Any member or guest found to be smoking in any area of the Club may be subject to a fine of up to $500 in accordance with Club Bylaw 9.3.

8.2 In the event that it is determined that a Member or Guest staying in a guestroom at the Club has smoked or permitted smoking in the guestroom, then that Member or Guest shall be charged a deep cleaning fee in the amount determined by Management.

9. Members' List

9.1 The Members’ List shall be kept by the General Manager and shall contain, as provided in Bylaw 1.1(o), the Members’ resident address for mailing of notices prescribed or directed by the Bylaws or the House Rules. Members may substitute a business or other address for the receipt of notices and other mailings from the Club by giving notice to the General Manager. In the absence of a current address listing, notices shall be mailed to the Members’ last known address.

9.2 A roster of Members is available on the password-protected section of Project Laura for the use of Members and Management only for communication with respect to matters involving the Club and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the roster shall not to be used to solicit business or philanthropic purposes. The roster, and any information contained therein, is not to be made available by a Member, or other person permitted to access the roster, under any circumstances, to any person or entity for any use, including business or philanthropic purposes.

10. Chits, Ordering & Use of Member Number

10.1 A Member may be asked by Staff to sign a chit confirming the Member’s order at the Club during any visit.

10.2 Each Member shall keep their Membership Number confidential.

10.3 Members may be asked to provide their Membership Number when making reservations or ordering items from the Club.

11. Staff & Management

11.1 The Club has carefully selected an experienced, high quality Staff, whose primary focus is the comfort and positive experience of Members and their Guests. Members and Guests are expected to treat Staff with respect and dignity, in keeping with the purpose and spirit of the House Rules regarding conduct.

11.2 Members shall not reprimand any Staff Member, nor allow any Guest of such Member to reprimand any Staff Member. Any Member dissatisfied with the service or conduct of any Staff Member should communicate their dissatisfaction with the General Manager.

11.3 Members may not request that a Staff Member perform or send any Staff Member out of the Club to carry out a personal errand.

11.4 Members shall not employ current Staff Members without the written consent of the General Manager.

11.5 Members and/or their Guests shall not give any money or gratuity to any Staff Member except for contributions to the Staff Holiday Fund.

11.6 If a Member or her/his Member’s Guest identifies with, or subscribes to, or prefers to be addressed by a specific pronoun or other description, then the Member for themselves or for their Guest, or the Guest for themselves, shall proactively advise the Staff of such preference as soon as reasonably possible at the start of the applicable visit to the Club or event sponsored by the Club.

11.7 Members must not encourage or request that Staff drink alcohol while on duty.

12. Guests & Family

12.1 Members may invite Guests to the Club as stated in these House Rules and the Bylaws.

12.2 The names and addresses of all Guests shall be entered in the Guest Book or registered online at time of entry to the Club.

12.3 Each Guest may only be introduced by a Member or Members for a period or aggregate periods of 14 days or less in any one year.

12.4 Unless otherwise determined at the discretion of the General Manager or the duty manager, Guests waiting to meet Members in the Club should be seated in the areas designated for that purpose.

12.5 While Guests are at the Club, subject to exceptions set out in Bylaw 5.4, which relate to Guests staying in bedroom accommodation at the Club, such Guests shall be accompanied by the Member who introduced them.

12.6 In addition to any other obligation of Members for their Guests as set out in the Bylaws or the House Rules, the Member who invites a Guest to the Club is responsible for all actions or omissions of such Guest including without limitation, violations of the House Rules by that Guest or any damages incurred by the Club which were caused in whole or in part by that Guest, pursuant to Rule 6.4.

For clarity, notwithstanding Rule 17.5, a Member may enforce compliance with the House Rules on any Guest of that Member.

12.7 Unless having been granted spousal privileges in accordance with the Bylaws, a spouse or partner of a member is a Guest.

12.9 No person under the age of thirteen years shall be introduced as a Guest, except at advertised Family Events, without the prior consent of the General Manager.

12.10 Members are required to ensure that children who are present at the Club as their Guests are under supervision by the Member or another adult at all times, allowing for quiet enjoyment of the Club’s facilities by other Members.

13. Sponsoring Events & Private Events

13.1 The Club allows various rooms inside the Club to be rented out for private events. The availability of the rooms is determined by the General Manager. The only room that is generally not available for rent is the Coworking Space during the hours of 8am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.

13.2 Members are encouraged to book private rooms for events at the Club.

13.3 Rooms may be rented for different durations, being hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annually, depending on the Room in question. Also, Members that have successfully paid for previous room rentals of longer durations or a number of repeated rentals and have indicated that such Member wishes to continue in a similar manner, will be given a reasonable right to renew before the room is rented out to another group.

13.4 Members may organize or host Private Events in designated areas of the Club, working with the Club’s Catering Team to arrange dates, times, food, beverage and other aspects of the Private Event, by way of a Private Event Agreement.

13.5 Banquet rooms can be reserved no more than three days in advance for business meetings which do not include a food and beverage component.

13.6 Hosting Members shall comply with all terms and conditions of the Private Event Agreement with the Club, which shall be in addition to the terms and conditions of the Bylaws, House Rules and Interim Rules.

13.7 In order to facilitate the hosting of Private Events, from time to time, the Club or selected portions of the Club may be designated as Private Event spaces.

13.8 Should the entire Club be required for a Private Event, notice shall be given to Members not less than three days before the Private Event.

13.9 The Club requires reasonable notice for both Private Event reservations and cancellations with the Club’s Catering Team. The applicable deadline for cancellation of a Private Event will be specified in the Private Event Agreement.

13.10 The Club requires hosting Members to confirm the number of Guests for Private Events not less than three days before the Private Event date. This can be done by email or by telephone to the Club’s Catering Team, or as specified in the Private Event Agreement. Cancellations or reductions in the number of Guests with less than three days’ notice will be charged the full price for the Private Event.

13.11 The Club retains the sole discretion to waive enforcement of cancellation deadlines in order to take into account special or extenuating circumstances surrounding the cancellation of a Private Event or reduction in number of attendees.

13.12 A hosting Member, with the approval of the Club’s Catering Team in charge of the Private Event, will have discretion to determine the privacy policies applicable within the confines of the Private Event venue within the Club.

13.13 Members and Guests attending a Special Event must receive Club Management permission before recording, photographing, videotaping, publicizing, mentioning the Private Event in news media (live, print, or digital), social media, or otherwise publicly identifying or describing the Private Event or its attendees.

14. Communicating Suggestions & Complaints

14.1 Each member of the Club can help maintain a high standard of courtesy, respect, discipline and orderliness by reporting to the General Manager or the Board of Directors breaches of the House Rules or instances of misbehaviour.

14.2 Complaints by a Member against another Member should be made in writing to the General Manager and the Chair and Co-Chair of the Membership Committee.

14.3 Complaints regarding Staff Members, Club service, or administration should be made in writing to the General Manager and the Chair and Co-Chair of the House Committee.

14.4 Suggestions to improve the service, décor, administration, or other ideas for increasing Members’ enjoyment of the Club should be made in writing to the General Manager and the Chair and Co-Chair of the House Committee and/or Chair and Co-Chair of the Membership Committee.

14.5 Complaints about Management should be directed to the President of the Board of Directors in writing.

14.6 Members are encouraged to pass on all accolades or expressions of gratitude for exceptional service or experiences to the General Manager or any Member of the Board.

15. Special Rules Regarding Certain Rooms

15.1 In addition to the House Rules applicable to the Club as a whole, there are special rules with respect to certain rooms in the Club.

15.2 Members' Lounge

(a) The Member’s Lounge consists of the liquor locker space and the back room containing the billiard tables.

(b) No Member shall place any object on the billiard tables that is not expressly designed for the playing of billiards.

(c) No Member shall sit or allow their Guest to sit on the billiard tables.

15.3 Coworking Space

(a) Papers, computers, and discrete technology are permitted.

15.4 Rooftop Patio & Garden Lounge

(a) Use of computers and discreet technology is permitted until 3pm.

(b) Due to the nature and location of the Rooftop Patio & Garden Lounge, Management may set limits on the number of Guests that one Member can bring.

15.5 Fitness Centre

(a) No Guests are permitted unless approved by the General Manager, who shall charge a fee per Guest set by Management from time to time.

(b) No personal trainer other than Vancouver Club authorized personal trainers are permitted, absent the permission of the General Manager.

(c) Alcohol is prohibited in the Fitness Centre.

(d) Members and such Guests as may be admitted shall refrain from using perfume or heavy scents while using the Fitness Centre.

(e) Members and such Guests as may be admitted shall use appropriately modest athletic attire while using the Fitness Centre and may travel through the main lobby of the Club on their way to and from the Fitness Centre in such attire provided that they travel expeditiously.

15.6 Reading Room

(a) Access to the Reading Room shall be self-governing, with rules subject to approval by the General Manager or the Board of Directors.

(b) Occupants of the Reading Room shall be quiet in their activities so as not to interfere with any other occupant.

(c) Members shall not remove any of the reading material from the Reading Room without the prior approval of the General Manager.

15.7 Kitchens, Staff and Operations Rooms

(a) Absent an invitation from the General Manager or duty manager, a Member may not enter the kitchen, or staff spaces such as private offices.

16. Overnight Guest Rooms

16.1 Reservations and vacating arrangements for overnight guest rooms shall be made with the concierge Staff.

16.2 Checkout time is 11:00 a.m., otherwise an extra day may be charged. A guest room reserved but unoccupied shall be charged at the regular quoted rate. The check-in time shall be 2:00 p.m. or later.

16.3 Members and Guests are requested to lock their doors when leaving their guest rooms, and to ensure upon departure from the Club that they deposit the keys with the concierge staff.

17. Infractions on House Rules

17.1 Complete Code

(a) The House Rules are a complete code so that Members may have one place to look for all rules that govern the Member’s use of the Club’s facilities.

(b) The House Rules are subject to the Club’s Bylaws, the laws of British Columbia and the laws of Canada.

(c) Interim Rules which may be created by Management, upon notice to the Board, may affect the House Rules, but such impact shall be kept to a reasonable minimum taking into account the purpose and basis for such Interim Rule, such as complying with temporary Health Officer Orders.

(d) While the Board and the Staff may make appropriate suggestions as to the conduct of Members and Guests, in order to allow for transparency and predictability, for a rule to be effective, it must be listed in the Bylaws, the House Rules, or in the Interim Rules, and also must be posted on the Club’s Website.

(e) If a Staff Member advises a Member that the Member is in breach of a Bylaw, a House Rule, or an Interim Rule, and the Member is unaware of the existence of that applicable rule, the Member should immediately stop the potentially violating activity but may ask to see a copy of the applicable rule.

17.2 If a Member violates a House Rule on a first occasion, the General Manager shall give the Member a friendly reminder about complying with the House Rules, unless in the consideration of the Board of Directors further action is required.

17.3 If a Member violates or is alleged to have violated the House Rules, the General Manager shall provide a report of such violation or alleged violation at the next Board meeting.

17.4 If the General Manager determines after investigation that there is no basis on which to find a violation of the House Rules has occurred, the General Manager may use their discretion not to provide a Violation Report pursuant to the previous paragraph.

17.5 No Member shall take it upon themselves to enforce compliance of the House Rules by fellow Members or Guests of other Members. However, a Member may enforce compliance of the House Rules on any Guest of that Member.

18. General

18.1 Media

(a) Working press and members of the media are not permitted in the Club except with the permission of the General Manager.

(b) Members shall refer requests for comment by members of the media to the General Manager.

18.2 Reading Materials

(a) Newspapers and magazines are intended for the use of Members and Guests in the Reading Room and Fitness Centre and are not to be removed from their location.

(b) Library books may be borrowed from the Club’s library provided that the borrowing is recorded with the concierge Staff.

18.3 Animals

(a) Pets are not permitted at the Club without permission from the General Manager.

(b) Assistance and service dogs are always welcome at the Club.

18.4 Coats, Luggage & Short-Term Storage

(a) The Club is not responsible for any personal property brought to the Club or at an event hosted by The Vancouver Club.

(b) Members may ask the Club to keep briefcases, valises, personal bags, satchels and similar containers while the Member is at the Club.

18.5 Trade Name, Trademarks & Logos

(a) The Club logo, trademarks of the Club, and stationery are not to be used for any purpose in any document or advertisement (either electronic or paper-based) by any Member without prior consent of the General Manager unless it is being used for the furtherance of the business of the Club.

(a) The Club shall not display the trademarks or logos of Members’ firms or suppliers on the Club Website or any Club-sanctioned website.

18.6 Valet & Car Parking

(a) Valet parking is available to Members using the Club during posted hours.

(b) Members should expect to be able to show to the valet service reasonable proof of membership, provide their Member Number and expect that the valet service may make reasonable inquiries as to membership status prior to using the valet parking in order that the appropriate charges can be assessed to the Member’s account.

(c) Members whose cars are left with the valet outside of the Club’s posted hours will be charged additional parking fees in accordance with the rate charged by the parking facility.

19. Creation, Amendement and Waiver of House Rules

19.1 The Board may, as authorized by the Bylaws, by ordinary resolution, create or amend the House Rules from time to time and at any time. The Board shall note the date of the creation or amendment below each House Rule paragraph.

19.2 The Board may by resolution, from time to time, and at any time, waive the application of a House Rule or impose an Interim Rule for a period of time, including retroactively, retrospectively or pro-actively or with respect to a specific Member or incident.

20. Conflict with the Bylaws & Other Rules

20.1 In the event of an inconsistency between the House Rules and the Bylaws, the applicable Bylaws shall prevail.

20.2 The General Manager may issue Interim Rules that may be contrary to or in partial conflict with the House Rules in order to comply with government rules or Provincial Health Orders. The House Rules will not be amended to comply with the Interim Rules but will be interpreted as being subject to the Interim Rules as is necessary to comply with the law and Provincial Health Orders.

21. Definitions

21.1 Unless otherwise expressly defined in the House Rules, any definition in the House Rules adopts the definition of the same word as set out in the Bylaws.

(a) “Board” means the Board of Directors of the Club;

(b) “Club” means The Vancouver Club, a society incorporated under the laws of the Province of British Columbia with its offices at 915 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia;

(c) “Club’s Website” means the main password-protected website used by the Club;

(d) “Electronic Devices” does not include laptops, or tablets but does include mobile phones or items of similar size;

(e) “Family Events” means events sanctioned by the Club that specifically are directed to families with children under the age of 13;

(f) “General Manager” means the person who has been appointed by the Board under the Bylaws as General Manager of the Club, and, also means such person or persons in the General Manager’s administration, who has been delegated, pursuant to Bylaw 18.6, the duties and responsibilities of the General Manager to such person or persons as the General Manager may determine from time to time, subject to the right of the Board to require that any such duties or responsibilities be performed by the General Manager;

(g) “Guest” means a person who is not a Member who is attending at the Club or a Club sanctioned event at the invitation of a Member;

(h) “House Rules” means the rules approved by the Board pursuant to Bylaw 16.1(b);(i) “Inappropriate Attire” includes:

(i) Cargo pants;

(ii) Denim – light blue, faded, ripped, frayed, distressed, or beige;

(iii) Casual long or short sleeve T-shirts;

(iv) Apparel with advertising messages or slogans;

(v) Ball caps;

(vi) Miniskirts;

(vii) Crop tops, halter tops, exposed undergarments, see-through fabrics;

(viii) Leisurewear, microfiber zip jackets, sweatshirts, sweatpants, warm-up suits, hoodies; and

(ix) Hiking-style boots, rain boots, beach-type sandals, runners, joggers;

(j) “Interim Rules” means other rules, policies and directives that are not part of the House Rules that may be established from time to time, or at any time, by Management or the Board where such rules or policies are required to ensure that the Club complies with the laws applicable to the Club, including without limitation, complying with health directives from the Provincial Health Officer, and for greater certainty, any Interim Rule created by the Board shall have paramountcy over any Interim Rule created by Management;

(k) “Liquor Incident Report” is a written report required to be made by Staff under the Serving It Right program and/or any liquor license governing the Club;

(l) “Management” means a member of the Club management team;

(m) “Member” is a member of the Club, whether in good standing or not;

(n) “Project Laura” is the Club’s proprietary website and member management system;

(o) “Serving It Right” is a collection of rules, guidelines and comments created by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch of the Province of British Columbia;

(p) “Special Event Permit” means a permit issued by the applicable government licensing board to the Club for a specific event, location and time frame;

(q) “Staff” means employees of the Club and any contractor who is present at the Club under a contract with the Club to perform functions that a staff member would typically perform and a “Staff Member” means any one such person.